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You don t have to worry about this, as soon as Prince Rong dies, I will take care of the rest The Empress Dowager Xinyue smiled.

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If you are interested, go and seduce her. She is definitely easy to seduce Uh, I don t like such a coquettish woman Let the idiot clear the pipe for her Huang Fu shook his head.

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People come here. So we have to be more careful. Zhao Bingqian reminded. Well, Bingqian is right.

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As long as I become crazy, I will improve my cultivation level And I will get younger and younger Jiang Fan said.

Uh, it s not that I m cowardly. I m afraid that if I attract those people from the cultivating sect, we will be hunted down Weng Xiaowei shook his head.

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It was not so easy for Xu Ruoxu to beat Master Unfeeling. Hmph, I ll accompany you anytime Master Rueqing spat out her palm, and with a click, a white light went straight to Xu Ruoxu s face.

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That s right, Brother Fan, you just took advantage of her just now, if she tells Sect Master Gao about this, it will be troublesome Huang Fu worried.

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